Income protection/ Salary Continuance

Blog tagged as Income protection/ Salary Continuance

TPD Claim: Do I need a lawyer?

14.07.21 07:57 PM By Lauren - Comment(s)

When processing an insurance claim within your superannuation fund, people often question whether or not they need a lawyer to process it for them.

Want to know the answer to the most common question we get asked?

The short answer: Usually, no.

Let us dive into this question and explain why your situat...

Next steps after an illness/injury diagnosis...

14.07.21 07:57 PM By Lauren - Comment(s)
Next steps after an illness/injury diagnosis...

We help people everyday who are navigating their new way of life and trying to find solutions to make their life easier, so we understand that this isn't an easy road.

So to help you out, some of our customers have given us their best tips and tricks that helped them take the next steps in their jour...

Let's Talk Back Injuries

30.06.21 04:57 PM By William - Comment(s)
Back injuries are one of the most common causes for people to claim worker's compensation and take time off work. If you're suffering from a back injury, get in touch with us