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Why Choose ClaimRight

Our Guarantee

The majority of our work operates on a NO WIN, NO FEE guarantee, so you won't pay us unless your insurance claim is successful.

More Time, Less Paperwork

The amount of paperwork involved for a claim can be time consuming and taxing. That's why we give you the option for us to obtain all the RIGHT paperwork and fill it correctly while preserving your right to privacy, giving you the time to look after your health.

Finding Entitlements

Our clients are often not experienced in figuring out what entitlements are available to them within their super, so we find out for you and create a FREE ENTITLEMENT REPORT so no one is guessing.

Trust In Expertise

Sometimes people are worried that if they receive money from an insurance payout or superannuation, they will get in trouble. To put your mind at ease, we have compiled all the information and know-how necessary to address this issue, and every claimant receives a consultation with a qualified financial professional to resolve any problems before they arise.

Be Heard with HearMe

Most payments are relative to your ability to work with your illness/ disability, and this is not easy to communicate with your doctors. So we developed HearMe, a system that identifies disabilities, writes to your doctors and asks for the RIGHT EVIDENCE for the RIGHT claim type.

Not Just "Claims Specialists"

Unlike others, we are a specialist disability support company. It means we cover things like NDIS, Centrelink, Housing applications and matters ambulance chaser folks won't touch. You are our world.

Change Everything.

Have you ever asked yourself why 74% of Centrelink Disability Support Pension applications get declined? Or why lawyers charge very high fees to fill paperwork and lodge that you could have done yourself? Or why does it take 15 years for someone with a disability to get public housing, and most of the time, the offer is inappropriate for their needs? 

Or why it costs upwards of 15% -30% to claim insurances such as Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) with others? Our fees are set at an affordable rate, often well below 10% as a no-win no fee, and we have a cap for larger claims.

You see, I was one of those people who lost his job as a teenager because of very bad knees. I was told by the "boss" at a major supermarket "We are not running a charity". A charity! I was left almost homeless at a time of vulnerability and severe pain.

Soon after, one of my beloved family members was diagnosed with MS and lived in inappropriate accommodation for 14 years.  As a family, we didn't know where to turn. Advocates hardly understood the financial system and social workers gave us support letters that endorsed a helpless story. 

I was hoping and praying for honest help—someone who could actually get in there and change things, not just talk about it.

Fast forward many years, I became known as the go-to-guy Australia wide for financial advice for people with complex health conditions. I completed a Masters in Disability Studies to truly understand how to best support someone and make them feel understood.

For the past decade, I have been working on ways to remove obstacles and inject hope in hopeless situations. ClaimRight is the sum of my dreams. A place where things just get done. It is where the "buck stops". Since we opened our doors in September 2017, helped hundreds of people find and claim life-changing benefits. We processed millions in dollars in claims with little resistance.

We are quickly growing, and so is our team. Not only are the public using the service, but colleagues from the financial services and the legal sector are also referring their clients to us. We are fully insured, highly experienced, and we are fully committed to driving costs down while maintaining efficiency.

But business aside, we are here for you. You won't fall through the cracks with us, I promise you.

And if you doubt it, then I will personally be responsible. And if money is an issue, let me know, and we will find a way to help you. If you hear of someone doing a better job (which will be hard to believe), let me know. I want to reach out to them and learn from them. If you hear someone is doing it for a lower cost, we will beat it. We want you to keep as much of your money in your pocket. 

I look forward to welcoming you on board personally.

William Johns

M. DisStud, B.Bus(AppFin), CFP, TEP
Founder, Technical Lead & Disability Expert

"I was hoping and praying for honest help. Someone who could actually get in there and change things, not just talk about it."

Will Johns

Our mission

"To support Australians throughout the claims process and advocate for them in a time of need."

Passionate about people

At ClaimRight, we started our business to give people a place to go when they were needing honest help with the claims process.

For the past decade, we have been working on ways to remove obstacles and inject hope in hopeless situations. ClaimRight is the sum of your dreams... a place where things just get done, the right way. 

With our team having insurance experience, along with lived experience with disability, you can be rest assured that we're passionate about supporting and advocating for you along your claims journey.

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Highly Qualified

Our staff (your team) are friendly and compassionate. We are professionals with qualifications in Law, Finance, Disability, Accounting, Actuarial Studies and more. More importantly, we have lived experience, and we are advocates.

Fairer Cost Claims and 100% Support

We know money does not grow on trees, so our job is to create your wealth and to preserve it. Low fees are essential to keep the money in your pocket.

Deep Experience and real success

To date, we had success in 99% of Total & Permanent Disability Insurance claims, and a 95% success in Disability Support Pension (the national average is 26%). 
No claim is too small or too large.

24 / 7 Availability

Do you function better in the middle of the night? Are you the anxious type and want to know where things are at?

We will be set you up with a portal and show you how to use it so you can check real-time progress and collaborate with us. You can send a personal message, check the progress and upload files any time.