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More than just insurance claims...

Whilst we specialise in processing superannuation insurance claims, we specialise in a lot more than just claims.

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More than just insurance claims...

Whilst we specialise in processing superannuation insurance claims, we specialise in a lot more than just claims.

​"I lost my job due to my illness in 2015.  I came to you broken and suicidal having been rejected by Centrelink three times. Seven months on, everything has changed... You got me $1000 in disability pension every two weeks, you made me $105,000 I didn't know about from insurance and got me on a housing waiting list...

I am forever grateful to ClaimRight. I genuinely believe I would have been homeless and disabled if ClaimRight didn't come into my life when they did.  Thank you."
​- Michael Porter

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From the 1st of January 2022, significant changes will occur for ClaimRight. Please see our Financial Services Guide below at the bottom of our webpage.

Insurance Claims

Did you know that it is highly probable that you can still access an insurance claim from your superannuation fund that you had access to over 20 years ago?

We determine what insurance claims you are eligible for within your super fund, such as total and permanent disability claims (TPD) and income protection.
Our teams extensive knowledge of insurance company policies has allowed us to charge low cost fees and have a high success rate.

Duration from lodgement: Average 3 months 

Centrelink Disability Support Pension and Carer Pension Access

To find how to increase the chances of individuals accessing the Centrelink Disability Support Pension and the Carer’s Pension, we have developed an assessment process to determine your eligibility for the pension.

Through our specialized administrative assistance, we complete your application and deal with Centrelink so you don’t have to whilst keeping you up to date with your application process.

Duration from lodgement: 4.5 months


Early Superannuation Access

Not able to work due to a disability or illness? We can explore this option for you. 

Superannuation can be unlocked if you retire due to your inability to work based on disability/medical grounds. 

At ClaimRight, we communicate directly to your medical practitioners and superannuation fund to ensure your access to medical retirement, giving you the best possible chance at success.

Duration from lodgement: Average 1-4.5 months      

Specialised Administrative Assistance

We provide low-cost administrative assistance to help individuals who suffer with fatigue, cognitive issues, are hospitalised or otherwise find it hard to take on paperwork. 

We will determine whether we can provide administrative assistance when we get in contact with you.

Our team can instruct professionals to do the work for you (such as hiring an accountant to do your tax returns) whilst keeping you in touch with your claims process via email or through our specialized online system.

Duration from lodgement: Immediate    

NDIS Access and Review Support

NDIS access can be a hard process for someone with an illness or disability, especially when completing forms to access the insurance scheme. 

As disability experts, we can communicate with your doctors and therapists and inform them on what they should write to better your chances of NDIS access. 

We can also review the forms prior to lodgement to ensure the contents of these forms, such as terminology, meets the requirements of the NDIS.

Duration from lodgement: 90 days

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